Walton gets title sponsorship of ‘Big- 2021’ grand finale – English-BanglaNewsUs
  • নিউইয়র্ক, বিকাল ৪:১০, ২২শে জানুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ

Walton gets title sponsorship of ‘Big- 2021’ grand finale

Published October 16, 2021
Walton gets title sponsorship of ‘Big- 2021’ grand finale

Country’s giant electronics brand Walton has become the title sponsor of the grand finale of ‘Bangabandhu Innovation Grant’ (Big -2021)’

In this regard, a tripartite agreement was signed among Walton, Idea Project and Windmill, advertising agency of the competition, at Walton Corporate Office in the capital on Wednesday (October 13, 2021).

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