Some easy ways to control diabetes – English-BanglaNewsUs
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Some easy ways to control diabetes

Published March 27, 2021
Some easy ways to control diabetes

Only a diabetic patient can understand how difficult it is to control diabetes. Diabetes becomes difficult to control even with just taking insulin and useful medications. So we will discuss how to control diabetes by changing the lifestyle.

Healthy Eating – The first step in controlling diabetes is to eat a healthy diet rich in nutrients.

– Sugary foods should be eaten in moderation, such as rice, flour-based foods, sweet fruit foods should be eaten less.

– Meat should be eaten in moderation, such as fish, chicken, egg whites, milk, lamb, etc.

– But it is better to avoid ghee, butter, meat fat etc. as much as possible.

– Fibrous foods (pulses, vegetables, pickled fruits can be eaten more).

– Sugar or sweet foods should be excluded.

– Banna needs to be changed, oil fried food, deep fry should be cooked instead of boiled or soup

– It is often more important than taking insulin or drugs to control blood sugar.

Exercise – The role of exercise in controlling diabetes is significant as every person needs to exercise. Exercise increases glucose uptake by increasing the effectiveness of insulin, which in turn helps control diabetes. However, it is necessary to exercise according to the rules.

Walk for 30 minutes every day, walk slowly at first, then a little louder, then louder and finally slowly.

In this way you have to divide the walking time by walking. In addition to walking, a variety of exercises can be done, such as swimming, dancing, running, cycling according to the doctor’s advice.

Regular checkups – Diabetes patients have to have regular checkups. Hard, liver, kidney, blood fats should be checked at least once a year according to the doctor’s advice. Also check blood sugar regularly, keep weight under control.

Managing stress – living a worry-free life. Keep the pressure as far away as possible. Different types of yoga exercises can be done to relieve anxiety.

Stay away from smoking – smoking means poisoning, if you have diabetes, hard, liver, kidneys are at risk. Smoking increases the risk even more.

Build an alcohol-free life – Stay away from alcohol and soft drinks. Which foods increase the level of diabetes?

Diabetes is a family concern that can be alleviated by lifestyle changes. If these rules are followed, diabetes will come under control easily.

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